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At Condor High School, the Counselors are dedicated to helping all students throughout their high school career offering academic, personal, social, and college to career counseling. Counselors are student advocates, who can assist in organizing parent-teacher conferences, tutoring programs, or providing referrals to community agencies.
For parents, Counselors provide educational and long-range planning, ensure a positive learning environment, and will connect you to I-Parent, the online access to student attendance and academic progress. In addition, Counselors provide information and events for community agencies, ROP/CTE, career, and higher education planning. Finally, Counselors work in a close partnership with the College & Career Center to provide services and information to colleges, trade schools, financial aid, scholarships, and the military.

Stephanie Green                                                                                 Denise MarokeCounselor                                                                                               Special Populations Counselor                                                                      

Last Name: J-Z & SpEd                                                                                      Last Name: A-I & EL & Foster Youth                                   

805-385-5255 (Office)                                                                                         805-834-1436 (Office)

 805-330-1801 (Google Voice)                                                                          805-718-6568 (Google Voice)


Students must earn a total of 230 credits to graduate and receive a diploma from Condor High School.

The Chart below (in English and in Spanish) shows the number of required credits students must earn in any given subject area to meet graduation requirements compared to A-G university admission requirements.


First page of the PDF file: Graduation-Poster-A-G-2


First page of the PDF file: Graduation-Poster-A-G-1

Community College Counselor

Jacob Perez

Fridays from  9:00 AM  -  4:00 PM 

Condor High School

1800 Solar Drive

Oxnard, CA 93030

Appointments: In-Person or Online

Make your Appointment